Flavorfest Strawberry Plants


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Supply limited - Max order qty is 500

Plants ship between January - July.   Ship dates are selected during checkout process.

Quantity Price
500 $140.70
1,000 $224.70
5,000 $214.20 / per 1,000
25,000 $202.65 / per 1,000

Just released by Dr. Kim Lewers at the USDA Beltsville Research Center, Beltsville, MD. Flavorfest is a mid-season variety, adapted to both plasticulture and matted row production. Fruits are an attractive bright red color with an excellent flavor profile. Berries are large and hold their size through the season. Plant is vigorous and shows excellent disease resistance to red stele and leaf diseases. In addition, no susceptibility to anthracnose crown or fruit rot has been found. With Flavorfest's high vigor, applications of nitrogen will need to be managed to avoid excessive growth. Flavorfest will also be a good alternative for organic producers and in conditions where good plant vigor is required. Highly recommended for trial. 

(B759 x B786)

Berry Size: Large
Best in Zones: 4 - 7
Firmness: Medium
Freezing Quality: Good
Resistant to: Red Stele, Leaf Diseases
Ships as: Bare Root
special features
We recommend a soil pH level of 6.5 - 6.8 for strawberry plants.
special features
This June Bearing Strawberry Plant bears fruit 1 year after planting.
special features
This is what a bundle of 25 strawberry bare roots looks like when it is shipped.


Zone 6b, SW MO.
We planted 25 of these earlier last spring, so this is their second year of harvesting. WOW!! They sure produce a lot! Excellent flavor. Large berries. Lots of runners to share with friends &/or make more beds.
We cover the beds with a nylon netting to keep the birds out, add compost, and of course, straw to keep the berries out of the mud. We were also sure to properly care for the beds in the fall and winter. [We've been growing strawberries for several years, but decided to start new at the new property]
We bought Earliglow at the same time (also 25 plants) - they are very excellent, too, however I prefer these Flavorfest over the Earliglow since the larger berries are easier to harvest.
Preserving: so far I've been freezing AND freeze drying. Both methods work great for both varieties we have.
Thanks for the great products! We are very pleased with all of our purchases.

Joanne S
Home Grower
Zone 6

These are the biggest, most flavorful, beautiful strawberries I've ever seen. I sold at a farm stand and one person called before they left the driveway as they wanted more. Organic grown. I've just never seen strawberries like this or tasted anything like it. Our Honeoeye were inconsistent with flavor as some are sweet and some tart. Sparkle are a nice old flavor, just a bit smaller and run like crazy. Flavorfest doesn't get super aggressive with runners which I like. The area is on the clay side and amended with compost and straw. Unfortunately not as much water as I would prefer, but these are still amazing. It did seem like year 2 after planting (so a year 3 plant?) was not as flavorful and the babies from the previous year had the nice flavor. So I may relocate runners to new beds.

Shere H
Home Grower
Zone 5

Wow, flavor and size with great production first year. Coming in heavy now, just as our Early Glow begins to fade. Very good flavor, not quite as good as Early Glow but berries are 4x the size.

Home Grower
Zone 5

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