Fall 2022: Greetings from Whatley!


Greetings from Whatley!

Welcome to our 2023 Newsletter. We’ve included articles we hope will help growers achieve the best results.

2022 marked another rollercoaster year at Nourse Farms. We experienced high input costs driven by inflation and unprecedented supply chain obstacles, making this one of the most unprecedented years in agriculture to date. With that said, we are excited to report that we have an excellent crop and are eager to get the plants into your fields.

We are humbled that we continue to see growth in our business and can serve growers of all types. As
consumers continue to look for local berries in greater numbers, our team is here for you, every step of the way. Our team here at Nourse is dedicated to delivering high quality plants and excellent customer service. Our number one priority will always be to deliver high quality plants.

We are honored to be relied on by you and your operation, and we look forward to serving your plant needs in 2023 and beyond. We also look forward to seeing you at the various conferences and trade shows throughout the year.

Wishing you a strong 2023.
John Place, Chief Executive Officer

This article is from the 2022 Fall Commercial Newsletter.